Reviews of instruments

Reviews of instruments

  • Cyclical maintenance of surveying instruments is strongly recommended to ensure their performance and accuracy.

SITECH Poland experience

Our technicians, trained and certified by Trimble, service, calibrate and maintain all machine measurement and control equipment.

Inspection and repair of total stations

We overhaul, calibrate and maintain your total stations with our high-precision collimators. We are able to deal with any type of problem, even those associated with a fall. At the end of the calibration and rectification process, we provide an accuracy certificate.

Inspection and repair of field controllers

During overhauls, we perform system and software updates (latest possible software version depending on expiry date), device configuration, touchscreen calibration, Bluetooth / Wifi / VRS / USB connection tests and data backup by. We also replace screens and other damaged parts.

przegląd instrumentów, tachimetr, gwarancja sitech poland trimble 2

GPS service and repair

For maintenance, inspection and repair of Trimble mobile receivers and base stations.

przegląd instrumentów, tachimetr, gwarancja sitech poland trimble 4Serwis i naprawa GPS Do przeglądów, kontroli i napraw odbiorników ruchomych oraz stacji bazowych Trimble.

Inspection and repair of machine control systems

With our GCS & Earthworks test benches, we inspect, maintain and repair radios, machine mirrors, GNSS antennas, masts, etc. External tests are also carried out.

przegląd instrumentów, tachimetr, gwarancja sitech poland trimble cover

Przegląd i naprawa laserów

Bezpośrednio w naszym oddziale w Krakowie możesz podrzucić lub odebrać wypożyczony sprzęt.

Are you nearing the end of your warranty?

Don’t wait any longer, invest in the future of your instrument.

We offer to extend your warranty by another year, so that you are safe

Sitech Poland, for the sake of its customers, is offering a proposal for the future that will allow you to work for as long as possible. We present you with the opportunity to take out an additional warranty, so that you can have your instrument repaired at any time. By investing in this solution, your device will be checked, calibrated, updated and, if required, repaired. If there is a problem with your total station, we will repair it, update the software, check its condition, debug it, clean the scope axis and all the optics. And that is not all, as we will check the correctness of the distance measurement, check and adjust the optical plumb line or calibrate the compensator.

Our actions will ensure a long service life and safety of the device.

Warranty offer:
The warranty can be purchased in two variants:

  • for post-warranty devicee
  • for devices as an extension of the guarantee

In addition, when purchasing the guarantee, the inspection is included in the price.

If you have any further questions or would like to know more about the offer, please contact our team

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